Info & Registration for Symposium


KMDD Workshop-Seminar
by Georg Lind

Fostering Moral-Democratic Competence with the KMDD®

Registration | Special offers | Tourist Info, Accommodation, Travel | Program | Training & Certification


Last revision: May 28, 2016


The Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion(KMDD)® is continuosly tested for effectiveness, It has has shown to have strong and lasting effects on the development of moral-democratic competence. Moral-democratic competence is the ability to solve conflicts on the basis of shared moral principles through thinking and discussion, rather than through violence, deceit, and power. It is a key qualifikation for living together in a democratic society. It is also an important factor in academic learning and professional decision-making (Lind, 2015).

KMDD-events can be offered in all subject areas and for nearly all people (age 8 and older). It works well with very diverse goups of people.

In this workshop-seminar you will learn how to prepare, convene, and self-evaluate KMDD-sessions in such a way that they foster participants' moral-democratic competence effectively and sustainably. You will be certified as "KMDD-Trainee", which is the basis for becoming a certified KMDD-Teacher.

In order to become certified as "KMDD-Teacher", you need to gain full proficiency in the KMDD you can attend a distant KMDD training & certification program. This 'training on the job' is guided by the KMDD-Trainer Dr. Georg Lind and a training manual. ... more

The KMDD® is an internationally registered trade mark. So your investment of time and money into learning is protected against abuse by freeloaders.

Date, Time




Aug. 1 - 5, 2015. Monday (9.00 sharp) through Friday (to 13.00 / 1:00 p.m.), daily 9.00 - 17.00. The symposium is part of the KMDD workshop-seminar.

University of Konstanz, Room E 402.

Preliminary course program (access: user = "kmdd kurs", password = "kohlberg".

Special Offers  

- You can attend the workshop on Monday morning (9.00 - 13.00), for free. You must register but not pay. If you decide to continue, you can pay on-site.

- The Workshop fee includes participation in the symposium.

- Re-takers of the KMDD workshop-seminar pay only half prize.

Deadline for Your Registration and Payment of Fees:






June 30, 2016. Please register and pay as early as possible. You will get the bank account information for transferring your fee on request from georg.lind [ät]

The workshop-seminar will take place if 12 regular paying participants have registered and paid their fee. You will be notified by June 5th, 2016 through e-mail. Please check also this web-site in case your e-mail does not work.

Make reservations for your accommodation as early as possible. The region around Konstanz attracts many tourists in summer. But do not confirm your travel reservation before the KMDD workshop-seminar is confirmed to take place.

For information on hotel and travel click here.



Click here for registration and payment site
Protected site. Click here for access information)

Location   See symposium web site.

The workshop-seminar will be directed by Georg Lind, who has developed the KMDD®.

Training & Certification as KMDD-Teacher  

A valid KMDD-Teacher certificate tells your clients that you can use the KMDD effectively and responsibly. It allows you to use the KMDD® mark for advertising your service as a KMDD-Teacher.

In order to get the KMDd-Teacher® certificate you can apply for training & certification program (see KMDD-Flyer) within two years after date on which the KMDD-Trainee certificate is issued. On application you will receive a contract form and the KMDD-Training Manual. It is valid for two years. After re-certification, the certificate is valid life-long.


This workshop-seminar is recognized

  • as part of the KMDD-Teacher training and certification process ... more
  • as "Schlüsselqualifikation" for several programs at the University of Konstanz.
  • as a Workshop (16 AE Arbeitseinheiten) from Modul II, Themenbereich II "Alternative Lehr- und Lernformen" of the Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik at the University of Konstanz.
  • Certified KMDD-Teachers who are also interested in getting the Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik should contact the Arbeitsstelle Hochschuldidaktik of the University of Konstanz for consultation.
  • as Lehrerfortbildung by the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg.



Recommended reading

(in press, July 2016, Berlin: Logos)


Symposium (is part of the workshop; no separate registration is required)


References on the Konstanz Method of Dilemma-Discussion (KMDD)®

Reports on various fields of application of the KMDD (mostly in German)

Opinions of KMDD course participants (mostly in German)

Media reports on the KMDD (mostly in German)


Lind, G. (2016). How to teach morality. Promoting deliberation and discussion, reducing violence and deceit. Berlin: Logos.

Lind, G. (2008). Teaching students to speak up and to listen to others: Cultivating moral democratic competencies. In: D. E. Lund & P. R. Carr, eds., Doing democracy and social justice in education: Political literacy for all students, pp. 319-335. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. PDF (password: kohlberg)

Lind, G. (2008). The meaning and measurement of moral judgment competence revisited -- A dual-aspect model. In: D. Fasko & W. Willis, Eds., Contemporary philosophical and psychological perspectives on moral development and education, pp. 185 - 220. Cresskill. NJ: Hampton Press. PDF (password: kohlberg)

Further reading:

Travel and accommodation help  

To help you making arrangements for travel and accommodation during your stay in Konstanz, we have compiled some information on the Symposium-Site.

Please book as early as possible. Summer is high season in the Lake of Konstanz region and rooms are scarce. But do not finalize your travel booking before your registration for the workshop-seminar has been confirmed.


© Apl. Prof. em. Dr. Georg Lind | Last revision: May 30, 2016 | Please report inconsistencies to this e-mail address: georg.lind [ät]

® "KMDD - Konstanzer Methode der Dilemma-Diskussion" is an internationally registered mark in Germany, and the European Union, Switzerland, Turkey, China, Colombia etc..