
"How to Teach Moral Competence" received the
"Outstanding Book Award" of the Moral Development and Education SIG (AERA)

议和讨论在 道德原则的基础上,而不是通过暴力,欺骗或屈服于他人。

flag-dt flag-sp flag-fr flag-us Last update: Sept 17, 2021

how chinesisch

Education - KMDD References

ITSE - Improvement of Teaching through Scientific self Evaluation

Ideas for Research



MCT & KMDD blog



Diane Ravitch's blog

Susana Frisancho's blog



blue October - December, on Fridays, 18:00 to 20:00 (safe the date)
Moral Competence - Weekly online colloquium

blue 21.-22. Jan. 2021 (new date!)
Invitation to the 16th International symposium "Moral Competence: Its Nature, Relevance, and Education." in Konstanz, Germany.Online on Restream. It will be available also on YouTube for a general audience. More details to come.

blue 2021, no date yet
Presentations and workshops in Najning and Guangzhou, PR China.

blue Postponed
"On a psychological science of psychology". Invited workshop at the International conferencee "Critical and Radical Humanist Work and Organizational Psychology", University of Innsbruck, Austria, more.

© Copypright by Georg Lind.

® "KMDD Konstanzer Methode der Dilemma-Diskussion" is a registered trade mark (WIPO) in order to protect the investment of KMDD students into their training and certification. Mark no. 1161715

#tags, #moral competence, #moral-democratic competence, #moralische Kompetenz, #Moralkompetenz, #Demokratiekompetenz, #Habermas, #Kohlberg, #Lind, #Piaget, #Moral Competence Test, #Moralisches Urteil Test, #Moral Judgment Test, #moral behavior, #Moralverhalten, #Verhalten, #Testtheorie, #Messen, #Psychometrie, #psychometrics, #criminal behavior, #deviant behavior, #fraud, #deceit, #honesty, #violence, #peace, #democracy, #autocracy, #helping, #prosocial behavior, #DIT, #Defining Issues Test, #MJT, #Moral Judgment Interview, #moral education, #character education, #virtue education, #civic education, #democratic education, #political education, #peace education, #Moralerziehung, #Demokratierziehung, #Friedenserziehung, #Ethik, #ethics,

试,#Moralisches Urteil测试,#Moral Judgment测试,#道德行为,#心理计量学,#犯罪行为,#偏差行为,#欺诈,#欺骗,# 诚实,#暴力,#和平,#民主,#专制,#帮助,#社会行为,#定义问题测试,#道德判断面试,#道德教育,#角色教育,#德育,#公民教育,#民主教育 ,#政治教育,#和平教育,#伦理,#价值观教

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