Registration for the International SymposiumMoral Competence Education and |
Date, Time Location |
July 26 - 27, 2012 Konstanz, University of Konstanz
Registration |
Description | The moral ideal of democracy is very vivid. Regardless of nation, culture and religion. People all over the world desire to live in a democratically ruled society and not in a tyranny. This ideal creates strong movements, which, however, show that it is often easier to overthrow a tyranny than to build a democratic society in which conflicts are solved not through power and violence but through thinking and peaceful, rational discussion. This symposium series is to bring together scholars and practitioners from different backgrounds to explore the possibilities of a common understanding of research findings across the different paradigms and language uses, and for promoting effective methods of moral-democratic education. The symposium is international and interdisciplinary. It speaks to researchers as well as to educational practitioners. The main language is English. Assistance for translation into and from German will be provided. Konstanz is an beautiful, old city, surrounded by an inviting country-side (Lake of Constance, Swiss Alps, medieaval monestries and castles etc.), all easily accessible by public transportation (bus, train, ship), bikes, and hiking. do not forget to bring your swimming suit along, and your passport. Switzerland, Austria, France, and Italy are nearby. See Google map |
[how to access the abstracts] |
Thursday, 26 July 2012 |
14.00 -
14.15 2.00 p.m. - |
Welcome |
Lectures with discussion |
14.15 - 15.15 | "Moral-Democratic Competence Education for a Global Democracy" Georg Lind, Prof. em., Dept. of Psychology, University of Konstanz, Slides |
15.45 - 16.45 | "Theory and Practice of Democracy" |
17.15 - 18.15 | "Moral-Democratic Competence and Dictatorship -- The case of bioethics in former East Germany" |
20.00 | No-host dinner at the Restaurant "SeeRhein" (on the Rhine, Reichenaustraße, Konstanz) with performanc: Notger Homburger sings Bodensee Blues and Jug Serenades. You can bring guests along. No fee. | |
Friday, 27 July 2012 |
9.00 - 9.45 | "Factors of Chinese Adolescents' Moral Competence Development. Findings from Hubei Province" (change of title) |
9.45 - 10.30 Change of topic! |
"Democracy begins in the minds:
Developing democratic personality worldwide" Ewa Nowak, Prof., Institute of Philosophy, University of Poznan, Poland Abstract |
11.00 - 11.45 | "The Complementarity of the Discussion of Dilemmas with the Theoretical Reading for
an Effective Intervention in the Moral Judgment", Abstract | Slides Victor Robles, Prof., Department of Art and Enterprise, University of Guanajuato, México |
11.45 - 12.30 | "Teaching values in Turkey" Abstract Meliha Köse & Nurhayat Tuncel Taninmis, Turkey |
12.30 - 13.15 | Panel discussion: "Moral Competence? Global Democracy?" |
19.00 - 22.00 | Vorbereitendes Treffen für die Gründung eines "KMDD-Vereins" im Biergarten-Restaurant "Costa del Sol " (Sankt-Johann-Gasse 9, Konstanz) (Preperatory meeting for the founding of a KMDD-Association; in German / English) |
(c) Georg Lind; last revision: July 21, 2012 .