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| Research on Moral
Competence |
Last revision: |
(c) Copyright for the content and design of the Moral Competence Test (MCT) by Georg Lind (c) Copyright for the certified translated version of the MCT by Georg Lind and the author of the translation. |
Argentinia |
Dardo AE Papalia |
Prof. Mercedes Oraisón |
Australia | Collie
Siobhan hphs84smc#students.ballarat.edu.au |
Harris School of International Business University of South Australia howard.harris#unisa.edu.au |
Jack Flanagan |
"... I am interested in what appears to be a negative correlation between moral judgment and seniority that has characterised US research in this topic using Rest's DIT (Ponemon and others). I think the relationship between moral attitude, moral cognition and moral behaviour is quite complex. I don't think accountants' ethics are any worse that the rest of society, but they are placed in a situation where it is easy to comply with the rules of the game but produce ethically-suspect reports and advice...." (July 2004) | ||
Belgium |
Bart Duriez |
Moral, religious and political development. Translation and validation of the Belgic-Flemish version of the MCT | |
Brazil |
Dr. Patricia Bataglia |
development, professional development and educational interventions (dilemma
discussion). Translation and validation of the Portuguese-Brazil version of the MCT. |
Marcia Schillinger-Agati, M.A. |
Moral-cognitive development and learning environments of college and university students; cross-cultural comparison. | ||
Prof. Clara Milnitzky |
Moral development, environmental attitudes. | ||
Bulgaria |
Prof. Silvia Nikolava |
Canada | Wendy
Duncan-Hewitt, Ph.D. University of Toronto cgrian#amaonline.com |
role of moral competencies and moral development in teaching and learning. "I work with faculty in community colleges and universities to help them link developmental theory with method: matching the teaching and curriculum to the students' current capabilities in order to build learning environments that "mentor" or "pace" the development of complexity. My conception of complexity incorporates moral development, ego development, cognitive development. The central idea is that one's teaching methods must evolve with the students." |
China | Bill Zhao
(Student) Hebei Normal University Shijiazhuang zhaozhanqiang#hotmail.com |
Translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Moral Judgment Test | |
Yang Shaogang, Ph.D. ysgrime#163.com |
"I'm going to do some [MCT-] research within the two years in some primary and junior or senior high schools." (2003) | ||
Colombia | Alvaro
Sanjines Bogotá sanjines#cable.net.co |
Moral-democratic competencies, civic attitudes, teacher education, and the democratization process. | |
Prof. Rosario Jaramillo |
Moral competencies and attitudes in adolescents and schooling. | ||
Prof. Eduardo Aguirre |
Areas of interest: Social Psychology: Socialization, delinquency and moral judgment comptence | ||
Mejia Acosta Universidad Los Andes Bogotá jomejia#uniandes.edu.co |
Curacao | Drs. Rignald
Sitoris rigsito#hotmail.com |
Moral judgment competence, moral attitudes and juvenile delinquency prevention. | |
Czech Republic |
Dr. Birgita Slovackova |
Development of moral judgment comptence (MCT) in medical students. Finding: "Moral competence in Czech students is significantly decreasing as they grow older. . ." Translation and validation of the Czech version of the MCT. | |
Finland |
Professor Matti Ylen |
on moral-cognitive development and learning environment of college students. Translation and validation of the Finish version of the MCT. |
Germany |
Prof. Dr. Georg Lind |
Development of moral and democratic competencies; measurement; teacher education; learning environments. | |
Dr. Horst Heidbrink |
cognitive and political development in adolescence. Validation studies of the German MCT. |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Beck |
Moral judgment competence and schooling in vocational school students. | ||
Dr. Hauke Heekeren |
Research on brain regions that seem functional for moral judgment | ||
Prof. Dr. Manfred
Schmitt |
Validation study of the MCT. | ||
Greece | Sarantis
Chelmis Athens schelmis#primedu.uoa.gr |
Diomedes Markoulis Aristotle University Thessaloniki markouli#psy.auth.gr |
Developmental Psychology, Political Psychology, relation between political ideology and moral development | ||
Katerina Mouratidou Lecturer of Pedagogy of Sport Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki Dept. of Physical Education Serres Ag. Ioannis 62110 Serres katemou#phed-sr.auth.gr |
Panayotis Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki Doctoral Student pzah#phed-sr.auth.gr |
Honkong |
Tam KK |
Hungary | Prof.
Dr. Julia Szekszárdi Veszprémi Egyetem Tanárképzo Kar Pedagógiai-Pszichológiai Tanszék 8200 Veszprém, Egyetem u. 10. szeszardij#mail.matav.hu szekja#axelero.hu |
Moral-cognitive development, conflict resolution, intervention programs, teacher training. | |
Zsuzsanna Vajda vajdazs#edpsy.u-szeged.hu |
Moral development and education. | ||
Varine Szilagyi Ibolya Hungarian Academy of Science vari#mtapi.hu |
Moral development and education. Translation and validation of the Hungarian version of the MCT. | ||
Indonesia |
Yuli Santi |
Budi, Stie Perbanas Surabaya (Perabanas School of Business) Jl. Nginden Semolo 34-36 Surabaya 60118 phone: +62-031-5947151 budd#sby.centrin.net.id |
Iran |
Mohsen Hasanzadeh |
Israel |
Prof. Michael Gross,
Ph.D. |
judgment competence, political orientations, helping behavior, medical education. Translation and validation of the Hebrew and French version of the MCT. |
Avi Kay Dept of Psychology Touro College avikay#touro.ac.il |
Italy |
Prof. Anna Laura
Comunian |
judgment competence, learning environments, role-taking opportunities. Translation and validation of the Italian version of the MCT. |
Japan |
Prof. Takashi Naito |
Fumi Ohnishi Yokohama City University 22-2 Seto, Kanazawa Yokohama, 235 0087 Japan fumio522#aol.com |
Moral Psychology | ||
Dr. Makoto Kobayashi Associate Professor Kyoto Koka Women's University Faculty of Human Relations Kadono-Cho, 38, Nishikygoku, Kyoto 615-0882, Japan benedict#dream.ocn.ne.jp |
Moral development & education | ||
Jordania |
Dr. Rula al Farra |
Korea | Dr.
Seungmi Lee Academy of Korean Study seungmi#plaza1.snu.ac.kr |
Moral development, Human Rights, International Understanding | |
Chu bwchu#ns.cnue-e.ac.kr |
Kuwait |
Prof.Dr Djilali Bouhmama |
Latvia | Ilja Krumers elikru#hotmail.com |
Translation and validation of the Russian version of the MCT. | |
Gints Malzubris University of Latvia gints21#one.lv |
Translation and validation of the Latvian version of the MCT (2002) | ||
Macedonia | Marijana
Handziska Institute for sociological political and juridical research marijana#isppi.ukim.edu.mk www.isppi.ukim.edu.mk |
I will use MCT for my research about "Adolescence moral judgement in the case of transgression toward state symbols in Macedonia". MCT will help me to approve or not hypothesis that moral judgement depend of moral task. | |
Malaysia | Latif
Anwar Upm 43400 Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan latif#admin.upm.edu.my |
Sin Chek Neng |
"I intent to do my research in Adult Moral Development for continuing education." (2001) |
Maroc | Dr.
Ahmed AGHBAL Faculty of education (Rabat) a.aghbal#caramail.com |
Validation of the Arab version of the MCT (work in progress, 2003) | |
Mexico |
Prof. Cristina Moreno |
judgment competence, learning environments. Translation and validation of the Mexican Spanish version of the MCT (together with Roberto Hernandez) |
Prof. Roberto Herandez |
development, moral education, test validation. Translation and validation of the Mexican Spanish version of the MCT (together with Cristina Moreno) |
Prof. Susana Patiño |
Moral judgment competence, learning environments, role-taking opportunities. | ||
Prof. Eduardo Arias |
Moral judgment competence, learning environments. | ||
Abril, Director Humanidades Arge, S.C. Blvd. Ignacio Soto #25 Col. Lomas Altas 83159 México fausto_antonio#yahoo.com |
Areas of interest: research and teaching. "I work for a non-proofit, non-partisian, non-goverment institution; our field of study is the public school system in Mexico." | ||
Gonzales University of Monterrey jackgon#infosel.net.mx |
New Biscaya | Abner
Agsunod BSA Student Saint Mary University Nueva Vizcaya abneragsunod#usa.net |
New Zealand |
Renee Samantha Berry |
Netherlands | Prof.
Wim Bernasco Leiden University Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Psychology Section Social and Organizational Psychology Bernasco#rulfsw.fsw.leidenuniv.nl |
drs. T.T.J. ter Berg |
Nanda Wijnne Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Philosophy P.O.box 90.002 4800 PA Breda, The Netherlands AJ.Wijnne#mindef.nl |
research questions consider moral judgment, ethical sensitivity and moral dilemma's in the military practice. |
Northern Ireland | Nuala
Carten University of Ulster Nuala25G#aol.com |
Christopher Alan Lewis Lecturer in Psychology School of Psychology and Communication University of Ulster at Magee College Londonderry Northern Ireland BT48 7JL CA.Lewis#ulst.ac.uk |
Pakistan | Abdul Wahab Liaquat |
Validation of the MCT in Urdu | |
Peru |
Bch. Psic. Cesar
A. Merino Soto |
Philippines | Maximo
C. Aljibe Director of the Administrative Service in the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports almax#pacific.net.ph |
Jasmine Sambalod
Tuboro |
Translation and validation of the Philippine version of the MCT (in progress). | ||
N. Evangelista PhD Candidate College of Education Univesity of the Philippines Department of Philosophy fevangelista#kssp.upd.edu.ph |
am planning to write a dissertation on the effects of the course Ethics in the moral reasoning of college students. |
Poland | Prof.
Adam Niemczynski Uniwersytet Jagellonski Instytut Psychologii ul. Golebia 13 PL 31-00 Krakow upniemcz#cyf-kr.edu.pl |
Moral evelopment, political orientations, learning environments, teacher education. | |
Portugal |
Prof. Orlando Martins
Lourenco |
Moral judgment competence, cognitive development. | |
Isabel Menezes Faculdade de Psicologia e Ci ncias da Educaçăo Universidad de Porto imenezes#psi.up.pt |
Romania | Nicoleta
Popa Assistant Professor Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi npopa#mail.psih.uaic.ro |
2003-. | |
Lupu Doctoral Student Dept of Psychology University of Konstanz iuliana_lu#yahoo.de |
2003-. Research on moral development, education and religious development. | ||
Popescu University of Psychology Bucharest, Romania beatrice_popescu#hotmail.com |
2003-. Our Research Hypotesis: there is a positive correlation between the religious thinking and the moral development in younger generations (age group 20-30 yrs). The former studies conducted in Ro (during the communist period) have shown that there is a negative correlation between the 2 variables. Our supposition is that these results are susceptible to have been biased by the interdictions regarding religious faith and there are not valid anymore on the whole population. | ||
Chicu Student Department of Psychology Titu Maiorescu University Bucarest tatiana.chicu#from.ro |
2003. | ||
Ana Maria Pap |
2004- | ||
Slovakia | Petra
Lajciakova, Slovakia Doctoral Student Dep. Pedagogical Psychology, Faculty of Social Science Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra, Slovakia lajciakovap#pobox.sk |
2003- | |
Switzerland |
Prof. Dr. Fritz Oser |
Moral development and education; teacher training. | |
Dr med. Lazare Benaroyo Fondation Chassot pour l'éthique médicale Institut d'histoire de la médecine Chemin des Falaises 1 1005 Lausanne Tél. : +41 21 314 70 50 Fax: +41 21 314 70 55 Lazare.Benaroyo#inst.hospvd.ch |
I am medical ethicist working in the Medical Faculty at the University of Lausanne and I shall start a research project on medical ethics education among residents at the University outpatient division. (2001) |
Signapore |
Alan Lim |
Slovakia |
Peter Babincak |
South Africa |
Judy Janse van Rensburg |
Spain | Jose
Luis Trechera Herreros Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales (ETEA) Universidad de Cordoba trechera#etea.com |
Moral development of business students. Translation and validation of the Spanish version of the MCT. | |
Santiago Palacios University of Basque Country Pintoreria 21 3 D 01001 Spain peppanas#vc.ehu.es |
Validation of the MCT in bask language. (Sept. 23, 2001) | ||
Sri Lanka |
Sanjee Perera |
Translation and validation
of the Sinhala and Tamil (Sri Lanka) version of the MCT; |
Sweden | Christina
Osbeck University of Karlstad chriosbe#munin.dc.hks.se |
Taiwan | Prof.
"Angela" Chi-Ming Lee, Ph.D. Department of Civic and Moral Education No. 162 Ho-Ping E. Rd. Sec. 1 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 106 t11023#cc.ntnu.edu.tw |
Moral and civic development | |
Thailand | Assist.
Prof Sanguan Lerkiatbundit Department of Pharmacy Administration Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Prince of Songkla University Hadyai Songkla Thailand 90112 http://www.pharmacy.psu.ac.th/organization/psorganiza.asp lsanguan#makok.pharmacy.psu.ac.th |
Moral education as an integral part of professional health training. Translation and validation of the Thai version of the MCT. Intervention study with the Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion... more | |
Nilkaew, Ed.D. Faculty of Education Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, 50200 bs-ed#cmu.chiangmai.ac.th |
Turkey |
Dr. Nermin Ciftci |
Moral judgment competence, religious development, family and ethnicity. Translation and validation of the Turkish version of the MCT. | |
Uganda | John
Riordan Box 9242 Kampala cstone#imul.com |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Prof. Helen Haste |
Moral development, political socialization. | |
Marina Papantoniou |
Comparison of first, secong and third year Psychology and Business students in England (2002) | ||
Patent University of Luton volker.patent#luton.ac.uk |
Nooney Kay |
the MCT as part of a psychometric battery for violent offenders, pre and
post an offending behaviour programme. Due to literacy level demands we
have had to simplify some of the vocabulary. We are accrueing data for the
certification of this modified version of the MCT. The Aggression Replacement Training programme has a large moral reasoning component, it was designed primarily by Arnold Goldstein. (Nov. 22, 2003) |
Christopher Alan Lewis Lecturer in Psychology School of Psychology and Communication University of Ulster at Magee College Londonderry Northern Ireland BT48 7JL email: CA.Lewis#ulst.ac.uk |
Moral development of 13 to 15 year old children. Collaborator: Mrs Mary Mullan, researcher |
Matt Kendall |
"Just to clear up a few points, firstly, ... I am in fact working wtih children on a therapeutic level and thought it would be interesting to get a score of moral competancy for them, or at least a scale to get some idea about the way they are thinking about moral dilemmas...." (July 2004) | ||
Uruguay |
Prof. Fernando Rama
M.D. |
USA | William
S. Andereck, M.D. Chair, Ethics Committee California Pacific Medical Center San Francisco, CA dr_bill#pacbell.net |
Prof. Donald Biggs,
Ph.D. |
The role of moral competence and attitudes in the process of learning and teaching at tertery level. | ||
A. Blumenthal G4 Psychology Dept. Harvard University 33 Kirkland St. Cambridge, MA 02138 jeremy#wjh.harvard.edu |
Campbell Treatment Program Coordinator at the Guhleman Forensic Center Fulton, Missouri, USA CAMPBD#mail.dmh.state.mo.us |
V. Caswell, MS, ATC Athletic Training Education Program Grover Center E-192 Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701 Office (740) 593-4649 sc169493#oak.cats.ohiou.edu |
I am interested in measuring the levels of moral/ethical functioning (moral reasoning/ moral competence) of athletic training students and instructors at institutions of higher education in the United States. ... For my dissertation, I would like to assess the levels of moral reasoning/ competence of first-year students, final year students, and college instructors. | ||
Robert Colesante |
The role of moral competence and attitudes in the process of learning and teaching at tertery level. | ||
James M. DuBois, Ph.D., D.Sc. Center for Health Care Ethics Saint Louis University 3525 Caroline Mall St. Louis MO 63104 duboisjm#slu.edu |
Moral development and medical education. | ||
Prof. Dan Fasko,
Ph.D. |
Moral competences and learning environments. | ||
J. Garvey Department of Psychology The University of Toledo 2801 W. Bancroft Street Toledo, Ohio 43606 donaldson67#hotmail.com |
J. Hauan, MD, MPH, MTS, MA Assistant Professor, Health Management & Informatics University of Missouri School of Medicine 324 Clark Hall Columbia, MO 65211 HauanM#health.missouri.edu |
In response to Michael's profound critique, I changed the text of the response scale of the MCT from "How acceptable is this argument...." to "Do you accept or reject this argument ..." | ||
Ann Higgins, Ph.D. |
Uwe Gielen St. Francis College Dept of Psychology 180 Remsen St. Brooklyn Heights, NY 112 ugielen#hotmail.com |
Moral development, cultural psychology | ||
Julka, Ph.D. University of Portland Social and Behavioral Sciences 146 Buckley Center Portland, OR 97203 julka#up.edu |
Moral competences and learning environments. | ||
Professor John Koeplin,
S.J. |
Alan Reiman North Carolina State University ajreiman#gw.fis.ncsu.edu |
Clinical & developmental supervision, mentoring; moral development; cognitive development | ||
Dave Stewart |
Trygve Trosper |
Moral development and conflict resolution in military contexts. | ||
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