Conference "Can Morality be Taught? Is it a Competence?" 27-31 July 2009

Invited Symposia-Participants & Paper Presenters

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Patricia Bataglia, Ph.D.

University of Sao Paulo
Department of Psychology

patriciabat (at)

Patricia Bataglia (Psychologist, PhD in Social Psychology) is professor and researcher at the University Bandeirante in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Universidade Bandeirante de Sao Paulo). She has been AME member since 1999. Her research interests involve psychology, teacher and medical education. She validated the Moral Judgment Test (MJT) for the Portuguese Language and developed, in collaboration with Marcia Schillinger and Georg Lind, the third dilemma for the MJT (MJT extended).
Nermin Ciftci, Ph.D.

PhD, Assistant Professor
Yıldız Technical University
Faculty of Education Davutpaşa
Campus 34220 Istanbul/Turkey

nermin_ciftci (at)

Received her Bachelor’s Degree in “Psychology in Education/Psychological Counseling and Guidance” from Marmara University/Istanbul. She carried on her doctorate research about moral development  in Hamburg/Germany with DAAD scholarship. She has attended in various trainings about her area of study such as communication, creative drama, and psychodrama. She is still working as a lecturer at the Education Faculty of Yıldız Technical University and is holding courses such as communication psychology, psychological counseling relationships, human relations and communication skills, developmental psychology, developmental and learning psychology, counseling and guidance, and creative drama.

Member of the project:
European Safer School Partnership Development (ESSPD) ... more

Anna Laura Comunian, Dr.

Department of General Psychology
University of Padua

annalaura.comunian (at)

Anna Laura Comunian, specialized in Psychology at Padua University, is Professor of Theories and Techniques of Personality Testing and of Conflict Solution, for the Department of General Psychology, University of Padua. Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Divisions: 52, 1), she is the founder and coordinator of the Laboratory of International and Cross-Cultural Psychology for the Personality test adaptation. At present, she is Presidenr of the International Council of Psychologists. As Member of the Board of Directors of the International Council of Psychologists, and National Representative for the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, she has organised two Regional Meetings and two International Conferences at Padua University. Most recently, she has conducted a series of studies on the adaptation of tests concerning emotions, relationships, family, personality, and moral reasoning to Italian culture. Particularly, in the cross-cultural field, the research project is related to the correlates of moral reasoning, social role taking, family interaction, parental warmth/rejection, coping styles, and quality of experience.
Christian Dettmers, Dr.

Professor of Psychology,
University of Konstanz
Head of Clinic Schmieder

c.dettmers (at)

Professor Dr. Christian Dettmers began his medical studies in Bonn. He continued with specialist training with Professor Jerusalem (Department of Neurology), Professors Penin & Elger (Department of Epilepsy) and Professor Möller (Department of Psychiatry).
From 1993-1995, he was awarded a scholarship from the Alexander Humboldt Foundation, for specialist training with Professor Frackowiak in Hammersmith, London. He studied Positron Emission Imaging and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and focused his research on the motor system.
From 1996-1999 he was Assistant Medical Director of Neurology at the University of Jena, Germany. During this period he was granted post doctoral Tenure with the topic “Investigations into the physiology and pathopysiology of motor structures of the central nervous system by means of Positron Emission Tomography and Functional Nuclear Spin Tomography.
In 1999 he founded, developed and directed the Out-Patient Neurological Rehabilitation Center in Hamburg. Since 2005 he is head of Clinic Schmieder Konstanz. His areas of specialization included rehabilitation of patients with Multiple Sclerosis, as well as the introductory use of Neuro-Imaging Technology in the field of Neurological Rehabilitation.
In 2008 he received his Professorship at the University of Konstanz, Department of Psychology.

Neil Ferguson, D. Phil

Associate Professor of
Political Psychology,
Director of the Desmond Tutu
Centre for War and Peace Studies


Neil Ferguson (D.Phil., University of Ulster, 1998) is the Director of the Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace and Associate Professor of Political Psychology at Liverpool Hope University. He has been a visiting lecturer to Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania and the University of York, a Research Fellow at University of St Andrews, and previously lectured at the University of Ulster prior to joining Liverpool Hope University in 1996. His research and writings deal with moral development and a number of topics located within political psychology. Dr. Ferguson is currently the chair of the MOSAIC , serves on the Governing Council of the International Society of Political Psychology , is a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Moral Education and Irish Journal of Psychology .
Horst Frank

Mayor of Konstanz

ob-frank (at)

Heidi Gehrig

Former principal of the
Prisma-school Wil, Switzerland
(Pestalozzi-prize 2006)
University of Education St. Gallen

heidi.gehrig (at)

Uwe Gielen, Ph.D.

St. Francis College
Department of Psychology
Brooklyn, NY

ugielen (at)

Uwe P. Gielen (Ph.D., Harvard University) is Executive Director of the Institute for International and Cross-Cultural Psychology and Professor of Psychology at St. Francis College, New York. His 18 edited/co-edited/co-authored books, which have appeared in five languages, deal with a broad range of psychological topics from an international perspective. They include Lawrence Kohlberg: Seine Bedeutung für die pädagogische und psychologische Praxis (1996), Psychology in the Arab Countries (1998, 2008), and Principles of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy (2008).
Aswati binti Hamzah

School of Educational Studies
University Sains of Malaysia,
11800, Penang Malaysia

aswati (at)

Teaching and Coordinator for Educational Psychology courses for both undergraduate courses and post graduate courses including Educational Doctorate Program (Ed.D) and supervised Ph. D candidates.
Specialization: Educational Psychology, Early Childhood Developmental Psychology, Moral Development (Conventional and Islamic approaches), Cognitive Psychology (Thinking and Reasoning: Conventional and Islamic Approaches) Psychological Testing

Research: A Study of Akhlak Reasoning Schemes Among Malay Students Individual work.

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Klaus Helkama, Dr.

Professor of Social Psychology
University of Helsinki


Georg Lind, Dr.

Professor of Psychology
University of Konstanz
Department of Psychology

georg.lind (at)


Antanas Mockus

Former Alkalde of Bogotá
Professor of Mathematics at the
National University, Bogotá


About Prof. Mockus: Visit in Konstanz 2005 | Corpo Visionarios

Katerina Mouratidou

Associate Professor of Sportpedagogy
University of Thessaloniki
Dept. of Physical Education and
Sport Sciences

katemou (at)

Katerina Mouratidou graduated from Department of Physical Education and Sport Science (TEFAA) and the Department of Psychology of the Aristotle University Thessaloniki-Greece. She was awarded her PhD by the Deutsche Sporthochschule Koeln-University of Cologne in 1995. She is a member of the academic staff of TEFAA-Serron (Greece) since 1999. Today she is an assistant professor at the department. Her research interests focus on moral development of students in Physical Education.
Mouratidou, K., Goutza, S., & Chatzopoulos, D. (2007). Physical education and moral development: An intervention programme to promote moral reasoning through physical education in high school students. European Physical Education Review , 13(1), 41-56.
Mouratidou, K., Chatzopoulos, D., & Karamavrou, S. (2007). Moral development in sport context: Utopia or reality? Hellenic Journal of Psychology , 4, 163-184.
Mouratidou, K., Barkoukis, V., Zahariadis, P., & Arampatzi, A. (2007). Evaluation of students social ability: Greek version of checklists for aggressive behaviour and social insecurity in elementary education. Social Psychology of Education, 10, 495-508.
Mouratidou, K., Chatzopoulos, D., & Karamavrou, S. (2008). Validity study of the Moral Judgment Test in Physical Education: Development and preliminary validation. Perceptual and Motor Skills , 106, 51-62.

Heinz Nielen

Justizvollzugsanstalt Geldern

Heinz.Nielen (at)

Eva Nowak, Dr.

Professor of Philosophy
University of Poznan
Institut of Philosophy

ewanowak (at)

Studies: Philosophy and culture sciences at the University of Poznan (Poland). PhD. 1996 (Thesis “French Revolution Philosophy and Literature”) . Habilitation Book: “Autonomy as a Principle of Sittlichkeit. Kant, Fichte, Hegel” (2002). Fellowships: 1998/9 DAAD at the Univ. of Siegen (Germany); 2000 Visiting Professor (Gastprofessur) at „Forschungsinstitut für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften“ at the Univ. of Siegen; 2001: NATO-Fellowship for research-project „Peace Theories and solving political conflicts“ at the Humboldt-University in Berlin (Germany); 2002/2003: ESKAS-Fellowship of Swiss Confederation at the Uni. of Bern (Switzerland); 2006: Paul-Celan Fellowship on Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna (research-project: “Philosophy of law by Gustav Radbruch”; 2008-2010: A. von Humboldt-Fellowship at the Univ. of Constance by Georg Lind. Member of Lind’s Research Team “KMDD”. Scientific interests: social philosophy, practical philosophy, theory of state and law, classic and contemporary Ethics, moral education, democratic education. Hobbies: discussing and playing with children, translating, hiking-climbing.
Kristin Prehn, Dr.

Free University of Berlin
Cluster of Excellence
"Languages of Emotion"

kristin.prehn (at )

In the present study we investigated how individual differences in moral judgment competence are represented in the brain. We found that participants with lower moral judgment competence activated the neural network involved in moral cognition more than participants with greater competence during the moral judgment task. C-scores, moreover, were inversely correlated with activity in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). We interpret the greater neural activity in participants with lower competence as increased processing demands (e.g. because of an increased recruitment of social and rule-based knowledge and its controlled application).
These findings imply the startling questions that will be discussed: Have we now found how moral judgment competence is represented in the brain? Can we say that our brain capacities determine our way to handle moral dilemmas?

Prehn, K. & Heekeren, H.R. (in press). Moral judgment and the brain: A functional approach to the question of emotion and cognition in moral judgment integrating psychology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology. In Braeckman, J., Verplaetse, J. & De Schrijver, J. (eds.), The moral brain. Essays on the evolutionary and neuroscientific aspects of morality. Netherlands: Springer.
Bill Puka, Ph.D.

Professor em. of Philosophy
Rensselaer College, NY

billpuka (at)

Bill Puka is post-academic, anti-authoritarian and strangely overweight. His full-time obsession: getting democratic citizenries to recoup social self-determination from political, educational and economic institutions that obstruct it. He also researches problemsolving in cognitive science, psychology and ethics.
Herbert Rätz

Arbeitskammer des Saarlandes

herbert.raetz (at)

raetz Was ist Esoterik (What is esoterics?) | Abstract

Herbert Rätz is a KMDD-Junior-Teacher. He performs dilemma-discussions in different schools since 2008.

His main areas if interests are studies in rightist movements (Rechtsradikalismus), migration and refuggees, esoterics, occultism, "para-science' (Parawissenschaften), media,
social competence, rhetorics.

Short biography

Anne Ratzki, Dr.

Professor of Education
University of Paderborn

AnnRat (at)

Anne Ratzki war Lehrerin und Schulleiterin am Gymnasium und an der Gesamtschule Köln-Holweide. Seit 1990 unterrichtete sie zusätzlich als Lehrbeauftragte an der Universität Köln.
1988 bis 1993 war sie Bundesvorsitzende der GGG (Gesamtschulverband). Sie ist Vorsitzende des Instituts zur Förderung der Teamarbeit e.V. und unterrichtet als Honorarprofessorin an der Universität Paderborn.
Studienreisen mit Schulbesuchen in England, Finnland, Norwegen, Schweden, Südtirol, Kanada, Australien, USA, Leitung von Studienseminaren vor Ort in Finnland, Schweden und Südtirol. Comenius Projekt Eu-Mail (European Mixed Ability and Individualised Learning)
Veröffentlichungen u.a.: Internationale Schulentwicklung, Individuelles Lernen in heterogenen Schülergruppen, Gesamtschule, Teamarbeit als Motor von Schulentwicklung.
Sergio Rego

Rio de Janeiro
National School of Public Health,

rego (at)

Sergio Rego is a medical doctor (1982) specialist in pediatrics and public health. He received his doctorate in 2001 with a thesis on the ethics of medical students and the teaching and learning process in medical education. He is a researcher and professor at the National School of Public Health of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (, since 1987. Currently conducts research on moral development of students in health and also on bioethics. He is vice chairman of the Bioethics Society of Rio de Janeiro, editor of the Brazilian Journal of Medical Education ( and chairman of the Research Ethics Committee of the National School of Public Health. His C.V. is avaiable at , in portuguese.
Ulrich Rüdiger, Dr.

Professor of Physics
University of Konstanz

Ulrich.ruediger (at)

Matthias Scharlipp

Senior KMDD-Teacher
KMDD Institut Berlin &
University of Konstanz

metteyya (at)

Matthias Scharlipp (born 1961) lives in Berlin, Germany. He is lawyer, university teacher, and trainer. Deeply worried about the war in former Yugoslavia Matthias had ended his career as an attorney-at-law in 1995. For 10 years he then lived, worked and practised in several 'just communities', including three years as a Buddhist monk in Europe and Asia.
Currently he works with Georg Lind at the University of Konstanz (department of Psychology) as a KMDD-teacher. He also teaches at the Alice Salomon University Berlin (department of Social Work). He founded the KMDD-Institut Berlin in 2008, an educational institution fostering moral and democratic faculties on the basis of mindfulness, recognition and equal dignity.
Matthias also works as a trainer of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mental Development (Meditation) since 1998. Website:
Marcia Schillinger, Dr.

Dept. of Educational Psychology
University of Education (PH)

Dr. Marcia M. Schillinger (Agati), Psychologist, M.S. (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil); M.A. (Antioch University of Santa Barbara, California, USA), received her doctor degree in developmental psychology at the University of Konstanz, Germany. She has been a member of the working group Psychology of Morality and Education of Georg Lind since 2001. She is currently researcher and instructor at the University of Education Weingarten, Germany. Her focus of research is moral development in higher education in different cultures and more recently, methods of fostering moral judgment competence and prevention of aggressive behaviour in schools.
Dawn Schrader, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology
Dept. of Education
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY

des14 (at)

Rignald Sitoris

Curacao &
University of Konstanz

rigsito (at)

Theresa A. Thorkildsen, Ph.D.

Professor of Education and Psychology
College of Education (MC 147)
1040 W. Harrison St.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607-7133

thork (at) 

With development, most children move beyond the assumption that behavior is exclusively due to individual conduct and character to an understanding that institutional practices also play a role in daily functioning.  I have studied students’ understanding of fairness, epistemology, and motivation as each pertains to critical issues within school settings.  My research suggests that students coordinate these forms of social knowledge in their understanding of how schools ought to function.  Students’ knowledge of schools as institutions along with their relational ties and personal motives are combined in a force I refer to as civil engagement that drives their classroom performance.
Wolfgang G. Weber, Dr.

Professor of Applied Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Innsbruck

Wolfgang.Weber (at)

Researching on psychological aspects of advanced manufacturing systems and self-regulated work groups, he received his doctoral degree from the Technical University Berlin and his "Habilitation" from the ETH Zurich. In 1997 and 1998 he taught industrial and organizational psychology at the University of Konstanz. His current research topics focus on organizational democracy, sociomoral climate, prosocial behavior, business ethics, social alienation, and work analysis instruments.

Weber, W. G., Unterrainer, C. & Schmid, B.E. (2009). The influence of organizational democracy on employees Socio-Moral Climate and prosocial behavioral orientations. /Journal of Organizational Behavior/ (Preview: DOI: 10.1002/job.615, 23 pages).
Weber, W. G., Unterrainer, C. & Hge, T. (2008). Socio-moral atmosphere and prosocial and democratic value orientations in enterprises with different levels of structurally anchored participation. /German Journal of Human Resource Research / Zeitschrift fr Personalforschung. 22 /(2), 171-194.
Jutta H. Wester de Michelini

Associate Professor
Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (UNRC)

juttawester (at)

Master of Arts. in Germanistik, Erziehungswissenschaften und Philosophie (1980: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Mnster, Westf.). Master of Applied Ethics (2000: UNRC). Specialization: Ethics applied to Education: Ethical dimensions of the learning-teaching-process of foreign languages in virtual environments, especially dimensions of intercultural competence and comprehension processes of hypermedia; Common good and reciprocal solidarity in a conflictive and intercultural world. Coordinator of the Language and Culture Research Center at UNRC.
Thomas E. Wren, Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy
Loyola University Chicago

twren (at)

wren Wren, T. E. (1974). Agency and urgency. The origins of moral obligations. New York: Precedent Publishing.

Wren, T. E. (1986). Moralpsychologie und Metaethik: ein Zweckbündnis. In: W. Edelstein & G. Nunner-Winkler, eds., Zur Bestimmung der Moral. Frankfurt Suhrkamp.

Wren, T. E. (1991). Caring about morality. Philosophical perspectives in moral psychology. London: Routledge.

Wren, T.E. (1990). The moral domain. Essays in the ongoing discussion between philosophy and the social sciences. Cambridge, MA MIT Press.

Shaogang Yang, Ph.D.

Professor at Guangdong

School of Politics and Public Administration, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, No.2 North of Baiyun Dadao, 510420,Guangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China.

shaogang Paper | Slides

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to School of Politics and Public Administration, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, No.2 North of Baiyun Dadao, 510420,Guangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China.
E-mail: ysg07(at)

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