edited by P. Knoop, last revision: April 8, 2002

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Electronic Resources on Learning and Teaching

Resources in Engineering and Science Education is Richard Felder's homepage. From the page, you can browse or download:

- Index of Learning Styles (an instrument students can take and self-score to give them information about their learning style on Professor Felder's learning style model)

- Reprints of all of the Random Thoughts columns from Chemical Engineering Education on specific topics relating to education and some additional articles

A bibliography of Professor Felder's publications with links to online versions of some of them

- Student handouts on a variety of topics

- Links to other web sites on engineering education: http://www2.ncsu.edu/effective_teaching/

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is a large organization dedicated to supporting engineering education. The web site gets you to membership and publication information, has a number of online articles and white papers on important topics, and fists links to lots of education-related sites. Deliberations on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is a British site containing material on a variety of issues, including collaborative learning, faculty development, assessment, teaching portfolios (a site compiled by Peter Seldin and Graham Gibbs), and discipline-related topics including engineering education: http://www.asee.org/

For Your Consideration is part of the University of North Carolina Center for Teaching and Learning site and contains a series of 17 short monographs designed for faculty and teaching assistants. Topics include among others the first day of class, active learning, writing to learn, teaching large lecture classes, writing multiple choice and essay questions, evaluating student projects, problem-based learning, peer observation of teaching, and student evaluation of teaching: http://www.lgu.ac.uk/deliberations/

Global Campus is a collaborative multimedia database containing materials for business, fine arts, engineering, liberal arts, library, and science: http://www.unc.edu/depts/ctl/fyc.html

How Stuff Works is a comprehensive site with sections on engines and motors, electronics, around the house, things you see in public, basic technologies, computers and the Internet, digital technology, automotive, in the news, food, and your body. There is also a section with answers to many common questions about how things work: http://www.howstuffworks.com

Links to a Better Education is an incredible collection of links to handouts for students on learning and study skills, note-taking, listening, preparing for tests and taking them (in general and specifically for multiple choice and essay tests), test anxiety, problem-solving, critical thinking, science, writing in general and scientific writing, writing lab reports, mathematics, motivation, time management, procrastination, concentration, memory, reading, plagiarism, research, Tel, stress management, depression, working in groups, learning styles, international student problems, and creativity. The list was compiled by Bob Jacobs of Wilton High School in Wilton, CT: http://www.chemistrycoach.com/linkstoa.htm#Links to a Better Education

The Mount Allison University Teaching and Learning Page is a newsletter containing listings of education-related conferences and a long list of links to other education-related sites sorted by topic (collaborative learning, learning styles, technology, etc.): http://aci.mta.ca/MtATeach/

National Science Foundation Engineering Education Coalitions homepage gives you links to all the coalition web sites and to other resources in engineering education: http:www.needs.org/coalitions/

National Engineering Education Delivery System (NEEDS) is a digital library for engineering education. By searching the learning resources, you can locate and download many courseware tools and multimedia packages for all branches of engineering and the sciences: http:www.needs.org

Taking Your Course Online is an online workshop sponsored by the NCSU Computing Center that includes lots of information and practical suggestions: http:www.2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/cc/edu/online

World Lecture Hall contains course materials in disciplines including engineering, sciences, mathematics, humanities, social sciences, business, and other professional schools: